LTL Order Selection Window Filters & Sorts

The LTL Existing Order Selection Window has now been updated to include filtering and sorting capabilities to aid users in adding additional LTL Orders to Loads.

Once a sort or filter is used on a column, the icon will turn pink to indicate that a sort/filter is in place.

To remove the sort or filter, click on the icon and select ‘Clear’.

*Note: click on the graphic above to enlarge to full size.


Create New Order Button

A ‘Create New Order’ button has been added to the Order Information Block on the Load Maintenance screen.

Reminder that this option will only show up if the other Orders on the Load are set as LTL. If the existing Order on the Load is set as FTL, then the Order Information block does not show the ‘New Order’ or ‘Existing Order’ buttons.

This now gives the ability to start a new Order directly from the Load Maintenance screen.

*Note: Click on the graphic above to enlarge to full size.


Most Recently Used Lists for Stop Locations, Carriers, & Customers

Update Note 9/3/21: The colors have changed since this version of Arcus, but the features are still the same.

When filling out a new Order, the fields for Stop Locations, Carriers, and Customers have all been equipped with a Most Recently Used (MRU) list.

The feature picks your top 10 most recently used selections in each field. They will appear when you click on the empty field of choice.

The circle-clock icon indicates that it is an item on the MRU list.

*Note: Click the either of the graphics above to enlarge to full size.

Carrier Favorites List

Users now have access to their own Favorites list for Carriers. Favorites lists are tied to users and are not shared within the branch.

Users will be able to add Carriers to their Favorites list, choose a Carrier from their Favorites list to add to a Load, and remove Carriers from their Favorites list.

See below for instructions on how to do each of these tasks.

*Note: To enlarge a photo, simply click on the photo to see an enlarged version.

Add A Carrier To The Carrier Favorites List

  1. From the Load Maintenance screen, enter a Carrier in the Carrier field.
  2. Click on the ‘i’ icon to the right of the Carrier field.
  3. On the Carrier Information popup window, click the unfilled gold star in the upper right corner.
  4. This adds the carrier to your Favorites list. The gold star will become filled and a green notification box will confirm that it has been added.
  5. Click the Close button to return to the Load Maintenance screen.

Use A Carrier From The Carrier Favorites List

  1. From the Load Maintenance screen, click the orange star icon to the right of the Carrier field.
  2. Click on the Carrier you want to add from the Carrier Favorites popup window.
  3. The Carrier you selected will now show the Carrier field on the Load Maintenance screen.

Remove A Carrier From Your Favorites List

  1. From the Load Maintenance screen, click on the ‘i’ icon to the right of the Carrier field.
  2. On the Carrier Information popup window, click the filled gold star in the upper right corner.
  3. This removes the Carrier from your Favorites list. The gold star will become unfilled and a green notification box will confirm that it has been removed.
  4. Click the Close button to return to the Load Maintenance screen.


Customer Favorites Lists

Customer Favorites Lists have been added to ARCUS. The Favorites lists are associated with a user – so they are not shared throughout the branch but each user will have their own Favorites Lists.

Below you will find the instructions on adding a customer to your Favorites list, choosing a customer from your Favorites list, and removing a customer from your Favorites list.

*Note: Remember that you can enlarge any of the photos by clicking on it.

Add A Customer To Your Favorites List

  1. From the New Order screen, add a customer into the ‘Customer’ field.
  2. Click the ‘i’ info icon to the right of the ‘Customer’ field to see the Customer Information popup window appear.
  3. On the Customer Information popup window, click the yellow star icon in the upper right of the window.
  4. After you click the star, it will change to filled (or solid) and a green popup notification will appear showing that the customer was successfully added to the Favorites list.
  5. Click the ‘Close’ button to close the Customer Information window and return to the Order screen.

Select A Customer From Your Favorites List

To choose a customer from your Favorites list to use in your order, do the following steps:

  1. From the New Order screen, click on the gold star icon to the right of the ‘Customer’ field.
  2. Your Favorites list will now show in a popup window.
  3. Click on the customer you would like to add to the order.
  4. the customer you chose will now appear in the ‘Customer’ field of your order.

Remove A Customer From Your Favorites List

To remove a customer from your Favorites list, it’s following similar steps as you would when adding them to the list.

  1. On the Order screen, click on the ‘i’ icon to the right of the ‘Customer’ field after the customer has been added to the order.
  2. This opens the Customer Information popup window. Click on the filled yellow gold star in the upper right of the window.
  3. This will remove the customer from the Favorites list. A green notification box will appear that confirms that you have removed this customer from your Favorites list and the gold start will become unfilled again.
  4. You can then click on the Close button to return to the order screen.

Pickup and Delivery Numbers on Stops

The pickup and delivery numbers are now available as informational fields on the Stop cards on the Load Maintenance screen.

These pieces are merely for information and cannot be edited from this page.

*Note: Click on graphic above to enlarge to full size.


Stop Location Favorites

Branches now have the ability to save to their Stop Location Favorites list. These favorites are then able to be accessed when creating a new Order.

To add a Favorite, click on the Branch Location Info button (this is the Star Icon in the upper right corner).

You will then be able to choose from your Favorites list by clicking on the Star Icon next to the Branch Location.

Your Favorites list will then appear.


Stop Sorting Method

A new Stop Sorting method has been put in place to help sort Loads with several stops involved. The new “Sort Stops” window will allow you to drag stops to reorder your stops.

Click graphic to see large size.
Click graphic to enlarge.

On the Load Maintenance screen, above the listing of stops, you will see a new link that opens the new “Sort Stops” window.

Click graphic to enlarge.

Don’t forget to click the “Done” button to save your changes!

Temperature Change Error Checking

To eliminate confusion in temperature changes, error checking has been put in place to ensure that the correct temperature is always being displayed to the user.

When changing the temperature for a FTL (single manifest loads), the Carrier Instructions Temperature on the Load will be set by the temperature on the Order. The Temperature field on the Load Maintenance screen will change to be read-only.

For LTL Loads (multi-manifest loads), the Carrier Instructions Temperature can be set independently of the Orders on the Load. This gives the Agent control over what temperature the entire load should run at. A new warning will now appear on the Carrier Confirmation screen if there is a difference in temperature from the Orders and the entered Load Temperature.

Click on graphic to see large size graphic.


Confirmation Email Contact List

With the June 28th, 2019 update, we saw an addition of being able to select email addresses directly from the carrier confirmation email screen from a list. This feature has been requested and has been anxiously awaited.

To use this feature, you simply need to click on the “TO:”, “CC:”, or “BCC:” button to see the list of available contacts for that carrier. Because carrier contacts are branch specific, remember that only the contacts that you have access to will show up on this list.

Once you select the email contacts you wish to add, you click the “Done” button.