FTL Edit Order Shortcut

With the update from June 28, 2019 came another new feature. This addition allows the user to go directly to the ‘Edit Order’ screen from the Loads Grid. This option is only available on FTL loads at this time.

For LTL Loads, you can still choose ‘View Orders’ and it will take you to the Order Grid showing only the Orders associated with that load.

The ‘View Orders’ option will now ONLY be available for LTL loads and the ‘Edit Order’ will be available for the FTL loads.

Return to Load Grid Option

With the June 28, 2019 update came the feature to be able to set the option of returning to the Load Grid after saving a Load or Order.

Currently, once an order or load is saved on the edit screen, it will return you to the previous screen that you were on before you went to the Edit screen. This could sometimes be confusing.

The new Optional workflow will set you to return to the Load Grid after saving any edits the user performed.

This feature is able to be turned off and on by going to the Settings screen and clicking on the new ‘App Options’ tab. You then toggle the switch for ‘Default to Loads Grid on Save’ to on (see graphic below).

This feature was made as an option to allow for personal preference. It can easily be turned off and on so if you find you prefer one or the other, you will then have the option.

Adding and Removing LTL Orders

Unlike FTL Loads, a LTL Load can often contain multiple Orders. Sometimes it is necessary to add or remove Orders after the Load has been created. This can easily be done without having to create a whole new Load.

Option # 1: The Order Information Block

The easiest way to either add or remove Orders from a Load is within the Order Information Block in the Load Maintenance screen.

To navigate to the Load Maintenance screen (this is also known as the Edit Load screen), if on the Load Grid, click on the drop down arrow right of the Load Number and select ‘Edit’ from the selections.

When the Load Maintenance screen loads, scroll down towards the bottom. The Order Information block is located on the right side of the screen, under the map.

This block will contain icons, buttons and information regarding Orders contained within the Load.

Adding an Order to the Load

To add an Order to the Load, click on the ‘+Existing Order button. (Clicking on +New Order will take you the Order Building screen.)

A popup will appear that contains a list of the Orders that are both of LTL type and in Open status.

Click the boxes to select each available Order you would like to add to the Load.

When you have selected all desired Orders, click the ‘Add to Load’ button.

Make sure to click ‘Save Load’ to ensure your changes were saved.

To Remove an Order

Sometimes you will need to remove an Order from a Load rather than add one. To do this, you will need to click on the ‘X’ remove icon next to the Order you wish to remove.

Click image to enlarge.

A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you want to remove the Order.

Click image to enlarge.

Click ‘Ok’ to remove.

Click image to enlarge.

Don’t forget to always remember to click ‘Save Load’ to ensure all changes are properly saved.

Option #2: Build a Load from Multiple Orders

If you have already entered all of the LTL orders that will be turning into a load, you can easily build the load from the Orders grid.

Simply click the checkboxes of all the orders you wish to build a load from.

Then click the black dropdown arrow next to any Order Number.

Select Create Load. The system will take you to the Load Maintenance screen to finish building your load.

Independent Carrier Lane Search

With the introduction of the new Tools page in the Dispatch area, we have implemented a Carrier Lane Search in a new area that is outside of the Load Creation screen.

To get to the new tool, you will need to select “Tools” from the menu in the Dispatch area.

Click on the Lane Search icon.

This will initiate a popup to perform the Carrier Lane Search window.



Sending an Electronic EFS MoneyCode

Sending an electronic advance through EFS is nearly identical to sending one through ComData. The main differences that you will see is the logo on the screen and the ‘Issued To’ field becomes required. Other differences you see are on the back-end of maintenance for the advance – EFS does not offer the Block and Un-Block features; and you can now void the remaining balance of an advance where before you could not void it if it had been partially cashed.

Let’s take a look at the steps involved to send (issue) an EFS MoneyCode.

  1. From the Loads grid, go to the Load Tracking screen for the Load you wish to issue an advance for. (You can do this by clicking the Load Number directly.)
  2. Click on the ‘Advances’ Tab.
  3. Click on the ‘+ Issue New’ button.
  4. To send an Advance to a recipient’s cell phone #:
    1. Enter the Amount, Issued To, Mobile Number and Memo (optional).
    2. Click ‘Next’.
    3. Click ‘Issue Advance’.
    4. A notification will appear in the lower right corner notifying you of a successful issuance.
  5. To generate the MoneyCode to send without a cell phone #:
    1. Enter the Amount, Issued To, and Memo (optional).
    2. Uncheck the ‘eDelivery’ box.
    3. Click ‘Next’.
    4. Click ‘Issue Advance’.
    5. The MoneyCode will now show on the screen. You may either read this code to the recipient or copy and paste it into an email. Click ‘Close’ when finished.


You have now successfully sent an EFS MoneyCode.

New LTL Features

Note: Though the video below shows an older version of Arcus, the items described are still in use as of September 2021. -SY

New features have been added to the Load Creation and Load Maintenance screens that will help when building or editing LTL Loads that have identified and listed commodities in their stops.

Stop and Commodity identifiers have been added to aid in planning the route.

A video has been created showing where the new features are located.

*click on the ‘Expand’ icon on the right of the toolbar to enlarge video.