Working With Tasks

A helpful feature of ARCUS is being able to assign tasking to users. Example tasks would be to assign a user the task of adding accessorial charges to a load, changing a pickup appointment time, or remind the night shift to request a check-in with a driver after his break time.

Users can find the Tasks assigned to them in their personal Dashboard.

Tasks for a particular load can be found in the “Tasks” tab of the Load Tracking screen. The user can see both the “Pending” Tasks as well as the “Completed” Tasks. From this tab, you can also add, edit and mark or unmark a task as completed.

Getting To The Task Tab

  1. Find the load in the grid. Click on the Load Number to get to the Load Tracking Screen.
  2. Click on the Tasks tab.

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Creating A New Task

  1. From the Tasks tab, click on the “+ Add Task” button.

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  2. On the “Add Task” popup window, fill out the information as it applies to the task.
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    **The title is the only required piece of information, but the more information that is filled out, the more effective the Tasking feature will be for your team.

  3. Click the “Save” button when you are finished.
  4. The popup window disappears, a green notification box appears in the lower right of the screen and a new entry is listed in the “Pending” section of the Task Listing.

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Editing A Task

  1. From the Tasks tab, click the Edit icon (pencil) next to the task you want to change.

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  2. The “Edit Task” popup window appears with the details of the task. Change the information needed.
  3. Click the “Save Task” button when finished.
  4. The popup window disappears and a green notification box shows the task had been updated. The task now reflects the new information.

Marking A Task As Complete

  1. On the Tasks tab, find the task under the “Pending” listings.
  2. Click on the empty box to the left of the title and description.

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  3. A green notification box appears in the upper right of the screen and the task moves down to the “Completed” listings area.**Note: The date and time completed is shown in the description of the task.
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Tip: If you uncheck the box, the task will become Pending again..